We recognize that we continue to find ourselves in unprecedented times. While in-person instruction continues to be our priority, we have been working to create a virtual option for those families that need it. We will continue to offer in-person instruction five days a week. Therefore, their current classroom teacher will not be available for instruction, meaning the virtual option will have to be different from what we previously offered. Jenkins schools will be using an online digital platform to deliver virtual instruction. This platform will provide video-based instruction that is congruent to Kentucky Core Academic Standards. Parents and students wishing to choose the virtual option must obtain an application at his or her school. The application must be completed and be approved for participation. In order to qualify for approval of the virtual option, parents/guardians must agree to comply with the following:
-Students must possess high speed internet access capable of delivering virtual instruction
-Students must possess a the skills necessary to competently complete virtual lessons. Primary students will require the assistance of a parent/guardian.
-Students that choose to attend school through the virtual option will not be permitted to participate in extra-curricular activities that require in-person attendance.
-Students will only be allowed to change between in-person instruction and virtual instruction at the end of each 9 weeks grading term. Parent/guardian must attend a transition meeting before a student changes between instructional options.
-Students must show adequate daily progress and complete assignments in a timely fashion.
-Students that do not complete virtual assignments and tasks in a timely manner will be asked to return to in-person instruction immediately. Students failing to do so will be considered truant which will lead to changes being filed.
-Students participating in virtual instruction must agree to participate in-person for all required assessments, including ACT, MAP assessments, CERT assessment, ARC/IEP meetings, state testing, etc. Provisions will be made to ensure compliance to all CDC guidelines while at school.
Should a student receiving in-person instruction become COVID positive or quarantined, they will continue to receive instruction from their regular classroom teacher through Google Classroom. Students participating virtually may pick up breakfast and lunch at their school.