Testing Resources (Released Items, Practice Test, Testing Scripts, Important Dates, and more)
Higher Order Thinking/Questioning
Blooms Taxonomy Planning Sheet
Blooms Taxonomy Planning PowerPoint
Question Stems Blooms Taxonomy
Differentiation Resources
Differentiation Annotated Strategies
Teachers can click on any of these links to learn more about differentiation.
Writing Strategies
Tips for Teachers
Standards Progression Document
Standards by grade level
Clear Learning Goals
Science Assessment Updates
Assessment Resources
Accountability Calculator, Templates for Assessments, Rubrics
This link will take you to a variety of assessment resources.
Visit this link to find EoC and KPREP Released Items.
Curriculum Development
Word Walls are not just for primary grades. Word Walls can be used to enhance the development of vocabulary at all grades and content areas.
Visit this site to access content standards
Kentucky School Report Card
Navigate this link to examine our District's assessment results.
Instructional Strategies Links
Kagan Silly Sports and Goofy Games
Teachers can visit this site for directions on how to implement the silly sports and goofy games incorporated in the Kagan strategies.
The Essential 5: A Starting Point for Using Kagan Structures
Teachers can visit this site to obtain information on the 5 structures they should begin to use with Kagan.
11 Tips for Teaching Critical Vocabulary
Effective Questioning Techniques
Teachers can visit this site to see information about effective questioning techniques.
Free Learning Tools for Educators
Educators can access free resources for implementing Universal Design for Learning Instructional Framework.
Universal Design for Learning Article
Educators can choose this link to learn more about the UDL instructional framework called for in ESSA.
Strategies/resources for teaching vocabulary
Writer's Workshop for high school students
Elementary Writer's Workshop Resources
This is the site that substitute teachers will visit to receive training on bullying prevention.

Brian Bentley
Instructional Supervisor
As the instructional supervisor for the District, my primary responsibility is to assist teachers in planning and delivering quality instruction at all grade levels. My job entails designing and delivering professional development sessions, obtaining up-to-date instructional materials, attending trainings, assisting with writing plans/policies, observing teachers and offering feedback, analyzing data from a variety of sources, and offering supports, as needed, to teachers and principals.
As always, our District is striving for success as we seek continuous improvement through professional learning sessions, research, and observation. As an instructional leader for JIS, I will focus on assisting teachers with establishing a useable, congruent curriculum; setting clear learning goals for students, planning lessons which embed student engagement, and ramping up the rigor. I will help identify and support untapped teacher talents, and I will assist with supporting the growth and effectiveness of teachers.
Last, and most importantly, I will be in and out of teachers' classrooms observing, assisting, and listening to students to help make sure this school reaches its fullest potential.
Feel free to contact me via