Hello, Everyone!
I have a special announcement! On Friday September 18th, 2020 I will be hosting a new type of event. I will be hosting a Conference Day. From 12 PM to 7 PM, students and families can sign up for 30 minute appointments to meet with me individually to ask questions and get information! I only have 14 spots! Each spot will ONLY get 30 minutes. These appointments are not designed to complete FAFSA or FSA ID. If families are interested in that, they need to contact me for another date or meet with me during a date I have blocked out for your school. If this date goes well, I have another blocked off to have an encore!
Please share these with your students, all grade levels are welcome! But this would be great for Seniors J They will need to go to the link below to sign up and they can view available appointments as well!
To sign up: https://signup.com/client/invitation2/secure/736986366280782085/false#/invitation
Please let them know also to check the email that they sign up with; that is how they will receive their Zoom link and more information. If they are over ten minutes late, I will close their meeting and they will lose their spot. I have included a flyer for social media as well!
I hope this is beneficial to your students and families. If I can do anything else for you all, please don’t hesitate to ask!
Emily Bowman, BSW SEKY Outreach Counselor
Work: (606)273-9644
Email: ebowman@kheaa.com