The Pandemic Electronic Benefit Transfer (P-EBT) program is a financial resource for families with students who lost access to free or reduced-price school meals due to COVID-19. P-EBT provides households with an EBT card with funds to spend on food at home for students.
All students in the Jenkins Independent School District will receive the P-EBT food benefit card. Each enrolled student will receive $313.50.
What you will need to do:
* If your currently enrolled child is already receives SNAP benefits, you do not need to do anything. The monies will automatically be loaded into that current card.
* If your currently enrolled child is currently receiving Medicaid or KTAP, you do not need to do anything. You will automatically get a card in the mail. If you have more than one child, all children will be combined into one card.
* If your currently enrolled child does not receive any of the benefits listed above, you will need to go to the website and fill out an application. Only one application per household with all children in the household listed. Student name, address, date of birth and Statewide Student Identification (SSID) are required. The application process is in real time and will give you an approval or an error message. You can go back and correct the application. If you get a Pending review, then it will be reviewed for approval.
The SSID can be found under the TODAY tab in Infinite Campus Parent Portal or the Infinite Campus Parent app. If you do not have access to Parent Portal, please call the Jenkins Independent Schools Central Office at (606) 832-2183 to set up an appointment time to come in and get set up. You must provide proof of identification.