April 4, 2020
Let’s have some fun during the quarantine! And, what better way to show that we may be separated by social distancing, but, we’re still together as one ... than with a dress up we...

April 3, 2020
Miss Angie has been very busy over this NTI school closure! She's been preparing emergency kits, food baskets, essential need supplies, etc. for our students. You'll often see h...

April 2, 2020
Burdine Elementary student Jacob Estep competed in the State Science Fair on Saturday, March 28th. Due to the ongoing epidemic, he had to present his project virtually using Zoom...

April 2, 2020
School Resource Officer Jim Stephens has worked everyday delivering lunches to students that cannot be reached by our school bus. Officer Jim is making home deliveries in his cru...

April 1, 2020
While students have been on NTI days, Will has continued to work at Jenkins Independent to make sure the buildings are in good shape. Regardless of the task - painting, repairing...

March 31, 2020
Mrs. Colleen Franklin is one of our dedicated JES custodial staff members that have worked very hard during our COVID-NTI! Just as any other day, Mrs. Colleen takes great pride i...

March 30, 2020
Each Thursday, containers will be available for student drop-off and/or pick-up of NTI paper packets on the porch of JMHS. Thanks!

March 30, 2020
Miss Alisha has been entrusted to deliver the daily student lunches for one of our food routes and she loves every second of it! She enjoys seeing the students daily and takes ad...

March 27, 2020
Miss Jennifer Adams is one of our classified special needs instructional assistants and she has spent these last NTI days riding the bus delivering lunches to our students, checki...