At Jenkins Independent, we are committed to giving our community a first-rate school. We understand that although school will begin virtually, quality instruction and student/teacher interaction are a must. Our staff has worked diligently to ensure that this occurs.
Our teachers will be posting videos online daily to deliver instruction. Communication between teachers and students will occur using Google Classroom at all grade levels. Videos, assignments, virtual meetings, and links to resources will be posted there. Teachers will schedule time each day to meet virtually as whole class and individually to address student needs.
The technology staff is working long and hard to enroll each and every student into their assigned classes in Google Classroom and our goal is to have all students enrolled by August 31st. We have also instituted an online personalized learning portal called Clever with a single login for all of our online programs and resources.
For students that do not have internet access at home, we will be delivering thumb drives with assignments and instructional videos weekly. This will allow students to turn in homework for the previous week.
To prepare for the new school year, we will host a Back to School Drive Thru on Tuesday, August 25th. Jenkins Middle High School will host the drive thru for both campuses. This will allow students to receive all required back to school paperwork, schedules, log in information, and expectations for virtual learning.
Kindergarten @ 9:30
12th grade and 1st grade @ 10:00
11th grade and 2nd grade @ 10:30
10th grade and 3rd grade @ 11:00
9th grade and 4th grade @ 11:30
8th grade and 5th grade @ 1:00
7th grade and 6th grade @ 1:30
If you have multiple children, please choose the time slot that best accommodates your schedule.
Although school will look different and instruction will look different, your children and their education are still our priority. We look forward to seeing each and every one of you on Tuesday.